Friday, 27 July 2012

London Olympics: An Opportunity that Must be Taken

London city has just jumped head long into one of the biggest sporting events of its history and that is the London Olympics 2012. It is a mega sporting event visited by thousands from across the globe and watched by billions on their TV sets at homes all over the world. London, though it is the politically one of the most important cities of the world, will this time be the highlight of the world sports throughout the next 17 days. People form all parts of the world have already landed on the Heathrow Airport and are constantly landing into this city right now. This trend will continue till the closing ceremony of the Olympics on August 12, 2012 and London will remain energized for al these days.

Olympics have been held regularly since 1892 and London has hosted them before but this will be the first time after the media and social network boom throughout the world and this time these Olympics will be covered by more than any Olympics held anywhere in past. London City will be the focal point of the world which will be hosting this event having more than 35 different games and the entire world would watch them live.

This is surely the biggest chance for the United Kingdom after 2008 to kick start its economy by displaying its superlative degree of arrangements and showcasing the best of shopping and tourism opportunities in the London City so that more and more shopping is done and the tourism industry gets a new boost through these games. The UK wholesalers industry has finally been able to revamp itself with the help of this mega event. Sporting and clothing wholesale industry saw an impressive first quarter this year and the second quarter was also favorable proving that Olympics is certainly playing a morale booster in business and if the UK wholesalers are able to capitalize on this opportunity, it can become the new starting point of the recovery from the recession period that has been going on for the last four years.

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